
The original post:

“This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.”

My Post:

I am not a very important person.

Compare to cockroach, which the scientists believe that they are actually in the highest position of evolution theory, I am just nobody.

And this blog, I presented not for people who read it. I presented for myself. I want to review my life journey. So, one day, I can present it to my next generations. Just like the way my mom told her life story directly to me, I am planning to write all my life story for myself, and my next generations. So, silently, I can read it again, I can remember it again, I can embrace it again (since I am going to have Alzheimer one day) during my old days.

You don’t need to know about me, since I also don’t want to know everything about you all. Who cares?

I am an egoist, self-centered, childish person. So, don’t put any hope towards me. Otherwise you will feel sorry.

Your comment, sorry, I don’t need it. I write this for my own enjoyment to the world of words, the world of writings, the world of ideas. It’s my prerogative to approve your comment. So, don’t post any comment if you don’t want to be disappointed.

This blog, her name is blogie, is my first baby, and her lover.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. hoohoho salam knal ,

    makasi yah infony !!!

  2. Annyeong ~
    anda author baru KI ya? tulisan anda hebat 🙂 saya suka sekali tulisan anda
    salam kenal ya ^o^

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